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·  Apostle Eliud Nzaphila is a  Christian minister currently based in Nairobi. He has been involved in Christian ministry all his life. Once affectionately referred as the  ‘Young Prophet’ by peers and congregations nation wide ,now best known as  Apostle Eliud Nzaphila  began ministering at the tender age of 12 and carries with him the quintessence of hope, healing and restoration that is bestowed upon the lives of those he touches

· As a Christian he believes and testifies that Jesus Christ is the son of God and there is no other way to salvation than through him. His ministry and his life are based on this belief . He is an inspirational speaker, and entrepreneurial wiz. The message he carries is often referred to as REAL and RELEVANT. He brings a very strong biblical message to his listeners. The message that he delivers is also clear, concise and life-changing to those it touches.


Over the next several  years he knew then that God had a much BIGGER plan for his life so he went thru extensive training under the leadership of the Holy spirit, for the express purpose of understanding the prophetic office and ministry. This training has enabled him to move in the realm of accurate  prophetic ministry


. He has the unique ability to motivate people to move beyond mediocrity and embrace excellence and wholeness in their lives, through his keen gifts, prophet Eliud Nzaphila has the ability to see  potential in people and motivate them to cultivate the gifts and talents the often lie dormant within them.


He has  placed thousands on the road to their prophetic destiny and success. Through his speaking engagements, both nationally and internationally he reveals phenomenal insight into the universal truths of  God. People all over the world have been brought to the sacred truth that they are not victims in life. This whirlwind of success is a direct product of the energy and ingenuity of the ambitiously motivated speaker, Apostle Eliud Nzaphila. 




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